Where to surf in Morocco

Morocco has been a great location for surfers all over the world, for the variety of its beach breaks, point breaks, and reef breaks, and marvelous spots. It’s a vibrant surf culture, with a mix of locals and international surfers converging on the popular surf spots. You’ll find a laid-back and welcoming atmosphere, with beach cafés, surf camps, and a chance to connect with fellow surf enthusiasts. In this blog, you will have a closer idea on where to surf in Morocco, and which are the best places to choose from.

The best surfing places in Morocco 

Morocco offers an incredible surfing experience for both beginners and advanced surfers alike. With its diverse coastline, consistent waves, and vibrant surf culture, it has become a sought-after destination for surfers from around the world. Whether you’re looking for the adrenaline rush of powerful reef breaks or the gentle rolling waves of sandy beaches, Morocco has it all.

Where to surf in Morocco as an advanced surfer:

Asfi, also known as Safi, is a coastal city in Morocco that offers some great surfing opportunities. It is known for its consistent surf breaks and attracts surfers of different skill levels. Some popular surf spots in Asfi include Sidi Bouzid, Les Roches Noires, and La Bobine. These spots offer a variety of breaks, including beach breaks and reef breaks, catering to both beginners and more experienced surfers. The best time for surfing in Asfi is during the autumn and winter months (September to February) when the Atlantic swells are generally larger and more consistent. It is also possible to surf during summer, but it is more recommended for people that are in their first stage of learning.

Imsouane, a small, lovely village located about 90 minutes north of Agadir. Also, one of the best and popular destinations for surfers, especially longboarders. There are two main sections at Imsouane: The Cathedral and The Bay. While Cathedral is a spot for more intense and strong waves, The bay is the inside section with smaller and mellower waves, making it ideal for beginners or those looking for a more relaxed surfing experience. A wave in imsouane can extend up to 500 meters on a good day, making it one of the longest waves in Morocco.

The best surf spots in morocco for beginners/intermediate surfers:

Essaouira, the surf conditions in Essaouira vary depending on the time of year. In general, the waves range from 2 to 8 feet (2.44 m), with the largest swells occurring during the winter months. The water temperature is relatively cool, ranging from around 16 °C (61 °F) in winter to 20 °C (68 °F) in summer, so for some people a wetsuit is a good choice to have. The best time to go surfing in Essaouira is during the months of September to April, when the swells are more consistent and the weather is mild. However, you can find good waves for surfing throughout the year.

Dakhla, located in the Western Sahara region of Morocco, is not only a popular destination for kite surfing, but also offers excellent opportunities for surfing. Dakhla benefits from consistent swell and favorable wind conditions, making it an exceptional destination for surfing. The waves can range from 2 to 6 feet (1.83 m), with larger swells occurring occasionally. The water temperature in Dakhla ranges from around 18 °C (64 °F) in winter to 24 °C (75 °F) in summer, so a wetsuit is usually required. When planning your surf trip to Dakhla, it’s advisable to check local surf forecasts, wind conditions, and tides. Respect the local surf etiquette, be aware of your own abilities, and prioritize safety while in the water.

Tamraght, has a relaxed surf culture with a mix of local surfers and international visitors. It’s the perfect place due to surrounding areas offering a variety of surf spots suitable for different skill levels. Tamraght enjoys consistent swells and favorable wind conditions, making it suitable for year-round surfing. The waves typically range from 2 to 6 feet (1.83 m), with larger swells occurring during the winter months. The water temperature varies from around 16 °C (61 °F) in winter to 20 °C (68 °F) in summer. Also, the surf spots in Tamraght are marvelous, like the beach break ‘Devil’s rock’, Banana point, Crocco point, k17, and more. 

A Wave-Riding Paradise:

If you’re looking for where to surf in Morocco. In the mix of cultural immersion and great waves, consider heading south to the small fishing village of Tamraght. You are always welcome in our surf camp LETUSSURF, With its welcoming staff, nothing but homemade food, and picturesque scenery, it offers a unique blend of surf and Moroccan charm.

Overall, Morocco’s diverse surf spots, warm waters, and stunning landscapes make it a must-visit destination for any surfer. So grab your board, embrace the rich culture, and get ready for an unforgettable surfing adventure in Morocco.