Why do surfers wear zinc? 

Maybe you noticed the colorful substance surfers apply to their faces while surfing yourself or by watching them from the beach. It’s zinc, and it comes in different colors and different smells. 

Indeed it has been made popular by the surfing community. It contains nothing but natural ingredients and it’s generally recognized safe and effective by the FDA.

But why do surfers wear zinc? Keep on reading to find out what it is, why people apply it and where to find it. 

Why do surfers wear zinc?

Surf zinc: what is the point of applying it for surfing? 

The main reason why surfers wear zinc is to protect their skin. In fact, it’s a great alternative to sunscreen. It’s popular with surfers because of its stickiness (which comes in handy in rough conditions); as well as its natural ingredients that keep not only the skin safe for hours in the water, but are also less harmful for the ocean.

Another reason why it is a great alternative to sunscreen, is because it contains zinc, and other ingredients to provide a stronger UV protection when in the water. Plus, it’s more sticky than sunscreen, so surfers don’t have to worry about it being washed off by the water too quickly.  

Furthermore, the zinc is highly recommended for people with sensitive skin, and it’s better than sunscreen that contains a lot of chemical substances.

Where can I get surfing zinc? 

Zinc is becoming more and more popular in the surfing community because of the results it has been giving to people. It’s very easy to find and buy at any local surf shop or pharmacy.

Here in Tamraght, there are quite a few surf shops, and pharmacies where you can buy an original zinc for yourself and get colorful with others while surfing:

Alternatives for zinc 

Not being accessible to have the zinc with you, doesn’t mean you should avoid other alternatives, such as sunscreen. Additionally, you can always consider applying any other form of protection for your skin such as Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Avocado to be sure that you won’t get burnt while in the water.

What else is important for surfers besides applying zinc?

You should always be aware of your physical health as it is one of the essential thing of your being. Wearing zinc or sunscreen is a must for your face and body. However, there are more things you should consider before entering the sea to be safe. Besides protecting your skin, you should also be aware of the currents and conditions of your surf spot. If you are new to surfing, it’s a good idea to let a local take you on your first surf session. Learn more with Let Us Surf, your next favorite holiday place, for more knowledge about surfing culture.